Life Transformation Center
Life Transformation Center
Life Transformation Center (LTC) is founded on the principle that you are first vessels created in the image of God and are in the process of being formed into the likeness of Christ; body, soul, and spirit. The purpose of LTC is to facilitate healing in every area of life damaged by others or by life circumstances beyond your control. Jesus is your healer and wants to occupy every area of your life so that, “ You prosper and are in health even as your soul prospers”. 3 John 1
Romans 12:1-2 discusses being transformed by the renewing of you mind. When you know the truth of a situation, you always have the option to choose a different way of thinking and acting on a matter.
The bible says that when you know the truth in a circumstance, that truth will set you free. LTC is dedicated to bringing biblical truth into all of arenas of life damaged by wounds and lies that resulted in negative beliefs, mindsets, and actions in order to set you free.
We Believe:
Healing is Wholeness. Healing is more than just about coping with problems; it is about being whole in mind, body, and spirit. Becoming whole involves and impacts all three areas.
Healing looks like something. It is noticeable, practical, and agreeable. It involves a change of heart as well as behavior. It is also a measurable process.
Healing focuses on your strengths. Healing builds on what God is already working on in your life… It focuses on doing more of what works and less of what doesn’t. It also focuses on who you are becoming and is present future oriented.
Healing occurs when a “false belief” is replaced with a “true belief”. A false belief is the real root of the problem, not the behavior. Behaviors are the fruit of your beliefs. Once the false belief is discovered, a true belief must take its place.
Healing is inherent in identity. You can choose what you believe about yourself and not what your situation suggests or others say about you. Once you know your identity you will more easily know your needs and how to establish your boundaries.
Healing always involves truth. It comes from understanding “all there is to know” about the story of you. Even young children can handle truth when shared in a developmentally appropriate and caring way. Truth brings freedom from pain.
Life Transformation Center is founded on the scripture where Jesus instructs us in Matthew 22:37-40 to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”
We believe the revelation of the Father’s love and desire is for everyone. Love is what lays the foundation so that HE can build His house in us. Ephesians 3:13-21. Psalm 127.
Life Transformation Center is established as a ministry to see the body of Christ transformed from the inside out in order to be Revivalists prepared for the “end time harvest” of souls for the Kingdom of God. As such, we have a holistic approach to healing to include different ministries:
Inner Healing:
Heart Sync
Financial Sozo/Counseling:
Provide biblically financial education and equipping God’s people to live by His design for their finances.
Christian Counseling:
Marriage and Pre-marital counseling
Mental Health Issues
Children and Adolescents