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MORE Group Week 4

Exciting new bi-monthly MORE Groups are starting for the Fall semester. Make plans to join us for WEEK 4.

There are a variety of groups available, and they meed in various locations.

Weeks of 10/3, 10/17, 11/14, 11/28, 12/12

WOMEN’S SHARE and CARE - Mondays 6:30 - 8:30 pm

This group meets at the Desmond’s house. Led by Kate Desmond and Rita Boyette. This is a place for women to grow in God and with each other as they share and care for each other in an atmosphere of honor, love, and safety.

MEN’S MAN-UP GROUP -Mondays 6:30 - 8:30 pm at the church. Led by Jamie Owens. This is a group of men meeting and going deeper in God together.

DESTINY FINDERS - Thursdays 6:30 - 8:30 pm in the children’s church room. Led by Pastor Ben. This is a video series that will help you discover and fulfill your calling. 

For more information, email

Earlier Event: November 28
Women's Share & Care | MORE Group
Later Event: November 30
2nd Payment Due for Women’s Retreat